Sunday, October 19, 2008

On Monday

For class on Monday...
Please bring in any photos or audio you have collected or edited. Also, please bring your laptop if you have one. See you then!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Up the Punx!

This is one of the images for my feature news story on local punk band the Violators. This is the lead singer/bassist "Scum".

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cool sites

Just thought I'd pass along some awesome websites compiled by a friend. If you have favorite sites, feel freet to add on.

Good job with audio blogging

Wow, you found some really great audio examples. Actually there were even two mentioned that I had planned on using as examples in class. Nice work. I don't see too many comments, but I hope everyone has the chance to listen to each other's selections and learn from them. Nice job, guys.

Assignments given on 6th

This week you need to shoot your photo story and post one image from your story on the blog. That's all folks!

For reminders on what to look for when shooting your story, check out previous postings. Hope all goes well, can't wait to see your images !

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hi. Here's a potential photo, fresh from the oven, unedited, untouched, simply converted to jpg. So no funnies. :]

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life of a Photojournalist

When I was looking around Mediastorm, I found a video that I wouldn't normally sit down and watch, but it pulled me in. It follows the last 17 years of Photojournalist Jim Lo Scalzo as he goes to India, Antarctica, Iraq, Iowa, and ultimately discovers that he should be at home with his wife and newborn son. The pictures were really interesting and really evoke a response when you're looking at them and the audio gave you an insight to what he was thinking when he was traveling.

Oh, and you guys should go watch this because the animation is amazing.

Pitbulls and lipstick?

I was surfing around npr and I came across this audio. It's about Sarah Palin saying that the only difference between hockey moms and pitbulls is the lipstick. (I know, I know. We've all heard it.) I'll add the link at the bottom. I'm just glad to see that people are sticking up for themselves because it was seriously an obnixious thing to say. (As if hockey moms wake up at ungodly hours just to put lipstick on to go impress someone at a skating rink.) Here's the link.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Iraq and friends.

This story really hit me hard. My friend is over in Iraq and it is going to be part of his life forever. Before he left him and his fiancee got married and this is the first obsticle that they will have to deal with. It made me realize that my friend is going to change and it scares me. All that I can do is hope and pray that everything goes well.
I think this story was done well because from the beginning I was captivated. It made me think about myself and things that have happened to me. It was personal and it was truth.

HIV and Aids

I like this video alot because its doesnt just incorperate a hole movie but also has alot of picutes of there living conditions and how these people live their every day lives having to deal with HIV and AIDS. It also doesnt just show that everyone lives the same life if you have AIDS, you dont just sit there and wilt away, some of theres people still and try carry their life out as if they were normal and the link

I know, I know

I'm sure we've all watched the videos on MediaStorm, but honestly I think this story is really depressing and I think everyone needs to know about this and things like this. I think people really need to know that things like this happen and it's not just some story your mom made up to scare you or whatever. Not only that, but this essay reminds me of a two of my favorite photographers, Shaun O'Boyle and Tom Kirsch. They photograph mostly abandoned buildings with some sort of history. For example, they both have photographed a lot of asylums and plants. Hospitals, jails, mines...etc. It's pretty interesting, if anyone likes that type of photography. But anywaysss, here's a link, because I know I dont make any sense when I'm tired, which I am, so peaceee. I'll put links to those photographers' websites too at the bottom.

Shaun O'Boyle:
Tom Kirsch:

I thought This Was Funny.

I found a website that has our current president Bush sounding so...... I can't even find the words. I liked it because it was funny but, im really scared that someone like him got elected twice. Here's the link, ENJOY

Theater, anyone?

I found this on the New York Times online newspaper. The sound slide has actor Peter Sarsgaard talking about "The Seagull", the Broadway play he is starring in. I chose this sound slide because i found what he said about people's reaction to the play interesting. I think there a a few pictures that are quite good.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What happens behind closed doors....

While browsing Media Storm, I found this story. I find it really interesting, because noone really knows what goes on behind closed doors. This story is about a group of drug additcs that live in a very rich section of Manhattan. A lot of people think that drug addicts are only people who are poor, but anyone can be drug addict. Drugs know no bounderies or color or race. Here is their story!