Saturday, October 4, 2008

I know, I know

I'm sure we've all watched the videos on MediaStorm, but honestly I think this story is really depressing and I think everyone needs to know about this and things like this. I think people really need to know that things like this happen and it's not just some story your mom made up to scare you or whatever. Not only that, but this essay reminds me of a two of my favorite photographers, Shaun O'Boyle and Tom Kirsch. They photograph mostly abandoned buildings with some sort of history. For example, they both have photographed a lot of asylums and plants. Hospitals, jails, mines...etc. It's pretty interesting, if anyone likes that type of photography. But anywaysss, here's a link, because I know I dont make any sense when I'm tired, which I am, so peaceee. I'll put links to those photographers' websites too at the bottom.

Shaun O'Boyle:
Tom Kirsch:

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