Saturday, October 4, 2008

I thought This Was Funny.

I found a website that has our current president Bush sounding so...... I can't even find the words. I liked it because it was funny but, im really scared that someone like him got elected twice. Here's the link, ENJOY


\"/ Andrew Rockstar \"/ said...

I for one LOVE these things, where they make fun of George Bush. I think that he is the WORST
president of all time. I also think that it is good that it gives us a opportunity to laugh, instead of being upset.

lindseyklis said...

Ive seen something like this before ill try and find the site but i dont if i can, i think its wicked funny, sort of reminds my of those americas funnest videos or something =)

shailyn said...

this is really funny... i can't believe he actually said some of these.

Stephanie said...

Before I leave my actual comment I want to say that I am not for President Bush and that this was very funny...but I do think that it isn't right. President Bush is still our President and that does give him the right to get respect from us. Sure it was a mistake for him to make it a second term but America did put him there and America needs to respect that. We made our bed...Whether it was by voting for President Bush or by not voting at all(with the exception of those that weren't of age to vote) is our choices that caused all of this.

Anonymous said...

I seriously just sat here and laughed for like a good twenty minutes. Thank you for posting this! He's SUCH an idiot! Oh, man. That was amazing. He doesn't deserve the little respect that he has now.