Friday, October 3, 2008

What happens behind closed doors....

While browsing Media Storm, I found this story. I find it really interesting, because noone really knows what goes on behind closed doors. This story is about a group of drug additcs that live in a very rich section of Manhattan. A lot of people think that drug addicts are only people who are poor, but anyone can be drug addict. Drugs know no bounderies or color or race. Here is their story!


Courtney said...

srsly, you beat me to posting this. haha. I loved this story though. I guess it just goes to show that anyone can be addicted to drugs. rich, poor, smart, dumb, etcetc. It's really sad to see how some people live their lives in relation to how we live ours. I mean, sometimes we think we've got it so bad but I guess nobody really stops to think how good they've got it and how healthy their lives are. I mean, when you see people like this. Honestly, it really makes me cry sometimes because I think, how can anyone be so depressed and so dependent on something else to make them happy for one minute out of millions of minutes they'll live to see. It kind of makes me wish I could do something to help people who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, to help them see things a bit differently than how they might feel or see things. I dont know if you've ever heard of To Write Love On Her Arms (i can guarantee eva has haha), but it's an organization to raise awareness and to help people find help and hope that are suffering from things such as drug addictions, depression, self-injury, and things along that lines. It's a really great story if anyone wants to read it, or if you already have read it..then you probably know what I'm talking about. I think it's really amazing what these people do to help others and to help this one girl inparticular (i never know if that's one word or two). But yeah, I'm gonna stop ranting now and go comment someone else and go to bed because I have to work at sixxx. peace. ps, here's a link.

lindseyklis said...

i liked this one alot, it doesnt just focus on just one person but pretty much a small community kinda, its sad but interesting that this people kind of enjoy putting themselves through that

Stephanie said...

First I think that if this Joe Smith is still alive...if I ever saw him I would grab a gun a kill him. This story was so powerful. Alot of the images wanted to make me cry. It brought up such feelings of anger, that I had to stop watching to calm down. It is so sad to see anyone, whether they are rich or poor, have that little respect for their bodies, their lives, and others. It sadens me how people have so little respect for others. Everything is about getting yourself ahead these days. Everyone worries about themself and nobody else. That isn't how humans are built. They are built with compassion. They are supposed to care for eachother. It seems animals do a better job at that these days. Like deer...if a fawn is orphaned any other doe will just take it in. Even if she already has twins or triplets to take care of...she doesn't care. Why can't we be like that?

Anonymous said...

That was actually really interesting. It was a good way to show people that drug sterotypes aren't exactly right. Anyone could do it. Rich or poor.