Monday, September 22, 2008

Assignments given on the 22nd

1)Blog post- post a sports image taken from an online news source, along notes on the story or image.(due by midnight Saturday)
2)Two comments on other's post's. (due by class)
3) Sports photo (due on the server 10min into class on the 29th)
4) Light photo (due on the server 10min into class on the 29th)

Sports/Peak Action
Key Concepts:

  • Get the key moment
  • Include facial expressions when possible
  • Convey the intensity

Tips to making a great action shot:

  • Know the game
  • Prepare equipment/contacts, etc.
  • Find the right position
  • Anticipate the action
  • Keep the ball in the frame
  • Try to keep the background clean
  • Pay attention to the edges of the frame and what you are including/excluding
  • Bad weather can be great for a game
  • Try a long lens and a wide angle
  • Change your angle- bird's eye/worm's eye
  • Capture the intensity and the emotion!


Key concepts:

  • Catch the moment
  • Look for the Beauty

Types of light to look for:

  • Rim Light
  • Raking Light
  • Reflective Light
  • Streaming Light
  • Morning/Evening
  • Silhouettes with dramatic backgrounds

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