Monday, September 22, 2008

I thought these images were really impressive. They are like classic decisive images. Anthony says that the guy above is out; I say he can still make it to safety. Anyone else have an opinion? In or out? Lol that is totally a line from Aladdin and the King of Thieves. Anyways then there is the one where the dude is in the air about to catch the ball that is a good one too. Finally the classic baseball bat breaking image. I would love to have one of those images in my portfolio. Anyways...they lost. That is about all there is to the article. It just talks about how much they have lost so far. Boring stuff like that. So what do you all think about the images? Which one do you like the best? Is the guy in or out? Did the jumping guy hurt anything when he landed?...


lindseyklis said...

I like all the picutes you chose but I think i like the last one the best, just because it is a typical picute where the hitter breaks the back.. =)

\"/ Andrew Rockstar \"/ said...

These are all awesome shots. They show the decicive moment as stated by you. I love how they all freze what they are doing, capturing them all in time, showing what they go through. I too like the last one, not only because he breaks the bat, but because it shows feeling, and by his facial expression, you can tell that it took alot of effort to do this.