Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is it all over for the Yankees?!?!?!?!

While searching on the NY Times website I found a verry interesting story about how they were doing. I for one thought they were doing well, but after reading this story, i found out that that wasn't true. They are loosing people left and right to injuries. In reading I found out that they just lost one of their players,  Chien-Ming Wang, to a foot injury, and they said that that was rough on them. Just recently they lost  Brian Cashman, which set them into a burning sprial downfall, and was what sealed their fate. They were actually a very good team this season, but as said by the NY Times, "Health was the biggest factor." and it doesn't matter how good you are, if the health of your team is failing and they continue to get hurt, then you are in for a whole world of hurting. The whole story is available for viewing here!

To the leaft is a picture taken by Tony Gutierrez/Associated Press of the NY Times. It is a picture of Brian Cahman exiting the field.


Stephanie said...

I thought this shot was interesting because it shows alot of emotion. I don't think it is the best shot but it gets the point across that they aren't doing well

Anonymous said...

As a Boston Red Sox fan, I can say that I enjoy seeing this photo. Horrible, I know. It shows a lot of emotion and I think that's important for a sports photo because most athletes put their all into the sport they play. It's nice to see that they take their sport seriously like that.

lindseyklis said...

i think its a pretty good picture it does show alot of emotion...butt i was just informed that the picutre is of joba chambrlanin and jason giambi, and i guess brian cashman is the GM of the yankees and not a player..haha