Monday, September 8, 2008

What is Photojournalism?

Photojournalism is...
1)A means of communication- as coined by Frank Luther Mott in 1942.
2)A combination of photos and words
- Photos became symbolic- they were universal and could communicate feelings and emotions. Eventually they become connected to and symbolic of ideas.
3)A combination of feelings and the factual

Photojournalism does...
3)Reveals facts and information on the first look
4)Is created in reality

Photojournalism should...
1)Have a strong story telling feature
2)Have a main object or focal point
3)Show us something we could not ordinarily see for ourselves
4)Reveals facts and information on the first look and more on the second look
5)Should answer the classic questions of journalism...who/what/when/where/why/how

Photojournalism is not...
1)A photo that includes inner reaches of the photographer's personality
2)Personal photos- vacation photos, etc.
3)Fine Art or pieces of personal expression

1)The face is the human communicator- as you try to make images that communicate, remember that eyes, the mouth and hands all are powerful visual communicators
2)Henri Cartier Bresson and the decisive moment or peak action.

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