Monday, September 29, 2008

Feature Story Tips

When you write your feature story proposal, or draw out a project road map, include as many specifics as you can. What are the main elements of the story you intend to include? When will you shoot? Is the time of day important? What are specific shots you will look for? What sounds will you need to record? etc.

A feature story needs to have a solid set of pictures that could tell the story in a nutshell. (5-8 photos) When you actually produce your soundslides piece you will need a total of 12-18 images or so. Every image needs to be informative and aesthetically sound. In other words, no snapshots. Remember the elements of composition we discussed. Consider changing your angel, etc. Make the photos interesting and memorable.

Remember to include...
  • An opening shot- one that introduces the viewer to what is going on and brings us into the story.
  • Every story needs to have at least one long shot, one medium shot, and one close shot.
  • Give us a reason to be interested- help us connect. Remember, the face is the human communicator.

If you have questions or ideas, email Jerome or myself anytime. Please think of several options you could use for this assignment and work up a thorough proposal for at least one, preferably two. Good luck, everyone! Have fun with this!

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