Friday, September 12, 2008

Sucide rising in recent years?

I really thought I was going to have a hard time with this, considering it doesn't have anything to do with touchdowns or how fast a race car can go around a track, but I actually found something fairly interesting. I was looking through the Charlotte North Carolina Observer and came across this artical ( It's about the rising sucide rate in the United States military. The Army's suicide rate was 18.1 per 100,000 last year and that is the highest that it's been. Five years ago it was only 9.8. They say that among other reasons, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are the cause of this. What I'm wondering is even if you're against or for the war, does it change your opinion on the war? I'm neither for or against the war, but that's here nor there. It still made me stop and think that maybe the U.S goverment is laying the stress on these soliders and the result of that isn't something the military can/should be proud of. What's your take on it?

1 comment:

Silas W said...

It's kinda of hard to believe that the suicide rate is increasing, especially in people in the army. It kind of worries me because i have a cousin whos currently in the army and he and some other marines are being shipped to Iraq. Im scared for him to tell you the truth, because i wouldn't even want him thinking of suicide period.