Monday, September 8, 2008

Fourth World?

I found this image while I was surfing on the Albany Times Union website (here's a link, but don't click until you read my postie), but just to prove something wrong, in my opinion. What Jerome was talking about earlier in class regarding text and photographs; that text is primary and photographs are second. The introduction to this article, which included this picture, was not very strong in my opinion, as opposed to the picture which as you can see, is very strong. I think that many people today overlook how strong you can speak with photographs because they think oh, anyone can take a picture but it takes an educated person to write something powerful enough to move you. I don't think it's as much like that anymore, as we keep moving more towards art, but certainly the older generations that I've been around feel that way. It's very frustrating. Not sure what you were exposed to. But. Anyway, this photograph is of a dehydrated child who has cholera in Malawi, and the medical crew is trying to give him an IV drip. It's sad to see how much harder it is for countries that don't live in a first world nation. They don't have access to half as many things as we do, whether it be medical or educational or necessity related. Click on that link I left up there. Really, take the time to read the articles, or at least the introduction and see how much more powerful this image is as opposed to the written article. Sometimes, it really amazes me.

Also! Not that this has anything to do with this assignment, but the National Geographic Photography Field Guide is like six dollars at Barnes and Noble. It was in the bargain bin. Haha, I was like score. So if anyone was looking for one of those, hit up B&N. Make sure you ask for the general photography one though, because apparently there's categorized ones too.


Studiomvcc said...

Great job! I'm impressed by your insights and contribution to the discussion presented in class the other day. Keep up the good work!

Silas W said...

This is good! I wish my blog could turn out on this page. I have a whole seperate page.

\"/ Andrew Rockstar \"/ said...

I feel the exact same. I know that for one, I look at the pictures first, and if one doesn't grab my attion, i keep on moving. I know that I should give it the time, but I feel as if the picture is boring, then who is to say that the artical isn't also. You know, this one actually got me thinking, and I ended up clicking on the link and reading more. This is a terrable thing that is happing, and not for nothing, we are so held up on the war on terrisom, while the rest of the earth is held up in termoil. How is that fair. And you know, if the picture was just "whatever" and boaring, I would have never leared about this have a concern about this. It just goes to show that pictures, really do "make the artical" so to speak.