Saturday, September 20, 2008

Truth is Beauty

It used to be, if you weren't the "best of the best," you weren't featured in a cosmetic ad. But, this is changing and fast. Comsmetic companys are starting to focus older women, showing that wrinkles are beautiful and that if you are not perfect, that is ok. They are starting to do this, because it is more appealing to women out there and it is easier for them to relate to someone close to their age, verses someone younger than them. Ellen DeGeneres was just hired by Cover Girl, a huge cosmetic company, where they stated "that even though her attubutes are negitive, that is the reason we hired here." At the age of 50, Eggleston Bracey the president of Procter & Gamble, the parent company of CoverGirl, called her an "authentic beauty". I personally think that this is the best thing that they could have ever done for there company's image. Most older and even younger women out there, want someone that they can relate to, not some plastic doll looking women. They want a realistic gole. They have these ads out of these beautiful women, but not everyone, is so to speak "flawless." They have blemishes, and wrinkles and flaws, they are human. So in doing so, I believe that they are making a great move in the right step, and you can read more, by clicking on this link(picture taking off the NY Times Website, Property of Cover Girl INC.)


eva marie. said...

I saw this picture a few days ago when Ellen announced that she was the new face of Cover Girl on her show. I think it's a great move and I personally love her. I think she's hilarious and I'm looking forward to her commercials. Hopefully they'll capture her humor and personality instead of the usual boring commercials that they put out.

Stephanie said...

I think it has been so great I mean first they go for plus size women and now older. It is so amazing that women are learning to be proud of themselves. This image of Ellan isn't just for Cover Girl it is like a foreshadow for women everywhere.