Thursday, September 18, 2008

Using food as Political Incentive

There are times were I just can't help despising where our world is these days. This is one of those times. I was looking through the New York Times site and found this article. It is about the government banning groups from feeding people that need it. Alot of it being children and many with aids such as the boy in the image. This boy is 17 years old and has aids and his government decided to deny him food because they thought that the people giving it out were against them. How can people be that way? To deny a person food and water, it makes me sick. Just looking at this photograph breaks my heart. I mean aren't governments supposed to be...I don't know...for the people? Instead people just use them to gain power. Sad. Well here is the link if you want to check it out.


\"/ Andrew Rockstar \"/ said...

You know, after reading this, I have NEVER in my entire life have ever been this discusted with people. A human life is a valuable gift and should be treasured. Just because the goverenment thought that the people that were going to help them were against them, they denied this poor man food. All i have to say is I bet that they arn't starving. What do they care anyhow, it doesn't matter if they are going to help one of their own, as long as they are right. And that is all that matters to they. I cannot tell you how wrong I think this is. It just discust me how these third world countries say how bad it is over where they are and want help, but then turn around and do this. It just makes me wonder where all the aid is really going. Is it helping out them or the people that live there?

Silas W said...

This just ruined my day. No innocent person should be denied for for any reason what so ever. Now if it was the other way around how do you think they would feel. When i seen that picture, all i could do is look and think of the reason he is so thin. This just upset me.

eva marie. said...

This picture is incredibly sad. You don't have to read anything about it to know exactly what's going on in it. It really makes me hate how wasteful we are. I tell my sister every day that there are people out there that would kill to have what we have and this really shows that.