Saturday, September 27, 2008

Proctor Gets Destroyed

Proctor loses yet another game of football. I'm kind of disappointed that they lost. The football team that was at proctor when i attended won almost all of their games. Now when i hear about proctor football games, it's always "Proctor lost another game" They need to get everything undercontrol with practice and work as a team. Team work wins the game. Personally i think everyone on the team is playing for their own shine and thats not good. Well here's the link to this article. really hope proctors football team gets their act together and realize that team work is escential.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

righttt! we were so good last year! haha, seriously i think the best year was when we beat RFA though. I was at this game, it suckeddd. Actually, I did my sports shot at this game. hah.