Monday, September 22, 2008


This is a photo from the espn website, from NFL's last season game between the bengals and the browns, who are going to be playing each other this coming weekend. The only reason i posted this picture was it reminded me of one of the ones that were shown in class today. You can see close of on the players face to see the emotion, i think its a pretty good shot.


Stephanie said...

I agree that the shot is a good one of the face but I also enjoy the fact that it shows the hands. I can't figure out if he is grabbing him to keep from falling of to take him down too.

\"/ Andrew Rockstar \"/ said...

I for one think that this is an excelent shot! You can see the anguish and the determination for this player to get the ball to the endzone. You can also tell by this picture, that he isn't going to let anyone in his way stop him, and I think showing this, makes it a great picture.

Anonymous said...

That is one fierce photograph. I think this falls under the 'follow the dirty player' type of thing. It looks like a dirty move because you can't shove a player's helmet in football like that, but it makes for an interesting photo! It wouldn't be as interesting if he was just running by or ducking out of the way.

shailyn said...

that looks really painful

eva marie. said...

I think this photo is hilarious. It looks like he's reached under his helmet and is taking him down before he can be taken down.